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Pinellas County School District (FL)

Pinellas County School District, in partnership with Human Kinetics Coach Education, offers coaches the opportunity to take the online courses Coaching Principles, Fifth Edition; Sport First Aid, Fifth Edition; and advanced sport-specific courses to meet the Florida Department of Education Athletic Coaching Certification and Endorsement. Certification is earned by successfully completing the three required online courses.

IMPORTANT: To receive your courses for no charge, you must: 

  1. Create an account on Human Kinetics Coach Education website using an official email address.
  2. During account creation, select Florida School Districts as your organization and Pinellas County School District (FL) as your sub-organization.
  3. Return to this page and add all three of your required courses to your cart, then apply discount code PCSBFL.

Contact Information
Ashley Grimes
Phone: 727-588-6346

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