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Sport First Aid 6th Edition Higher Ed Online Course With Print Book

Author: Coach Education


Online Course With Print Book
$79.00 USD

ISBN: 9781718237117


This version of the Sport First Aid course is for college and university students. It includes the following:
  • Online Sport First Aid, Sixth Edition, course
  • Sport First Aid, Sixth Edition, book
  • Online certification test
  • NOTE: Access to online components is immediate upon purchase, but the required book will be mailed. Please anticipate time for shipping before beginning the course.

With only about one-third of high schools in the United States having full-time athletic trainers and another third lacking any athletic trainer services, coaches are often the first responder when an injury occurs. This reality underscores the importance of providing coaches with proper training in first aid and injury prevention.

Sport First Aid, Sixth Edition, Higher Ed Online Course provides detailed action steps for the initial care and prevention of the most common sport-related injuries and illnesses. The following topics are covered: performing an assessment; administering first aid for bleeding, tissue damage, and unstable injuries; providing life support; moving an injured athlete; and returning an athlete to play. The course will prepare future coaches to respond appropriately and ensure the safety and well-being of their athletes. It will also provide insight on preventing injuries from occurring in the first place with strategies for reducing athletes’ risk of injury or illness.

The course is based on the text Sport First Aid, Sixth Edition, authored by an unparalleled team of experts in athletic training, sports medicine, exercise science and physiology, strength and conditioning, and sport coaching. Lead author Robb Rehberg is the senior medical advisor and director of game day medical operations for the National Football League (NFL) and is a professor of sports medicine and athletic training at William Paterson University of New Jersey. Rehberg is featured in video clips that introduce the various first aid situations and protocols to be covered in each course unit.

The updated sixth edition reflects the latest guidelines for administering CPR and treating concussion, dehydration, and heat illness based on guidance from leading health organizations. The course includes all-new videos demonstrating protocols for the most common first aid situations; practical at-a-glance flowcharts depicting “if this, do this” response protocols; interactive activities and quizzes; and sample forms, checklists, assessments, and safety plans that can be downloaded and printed.

Students will have free access to the Sport First Aid certification test, administered by Human Kinetics and delivered on a separate platform (independent of the class). By passing the certification test, students with aspirations of becoming a scholastic coach will earn a valuable coaching credential that is recognized by numerous state high school associations and school districts as meeting coaching education requirements.


Aspiring coaches and students enrolled in college and university coaching courses.
Unit 1. Your Role on the Athletic Health Care Team
Unit 2. Game Plan for Sport First Aid
Unit 3. Anatomy and Terminology in Sport First Aid
Unit 4. Emergency Action Steps
Unit 5. Assessment in Sport First Aid
Unit 6. Moving Injured or Sick Athletes
Unit 7. Respiratory Emergencies and Illnesses
Unit 8. Head, Spine, and Nerve Injuries
Unit 9. Internal Organ Injuries
Unit 10. Sudden Illnesses
Unit 11. Weather-Related Injuries and Illnesses
Unit 12. Upper Body Musculoskeletal Injuries
Unit 13. Lower Body Musculoskeletal Injuries
Unit 14. Scalp, Facial, Eye, and Mouth Injuries
Unit 15. Skin Conditions
Established in 1981 and rooted in an athlete-centered philosophy that places the developmental needs of athletes ahead of winning at all costs, Human Kinetics Coach Education courses and resources are widely used by youth sport organizations, state high school associations, school districts, state departments of education, colleges and universities, and national governing bodies of Olympic sports to teach, train, and certify coaches.

Robb S. Rehberg, PhD, ATC, NREMT, has served in many roles in the fields of athletic training, sports medicine, and emergency care. He is currently a professor of sports medicine and athletic training at William Paterson University of New Jersey and a senior medical advisor and director of game day medical operations for the National Football League (NFL). Rehberg has authored or coauthored dozens of publications and presented over 200 lectures on various topics in sports medicine and emergency care. He has also authored several online education programs, including ConcussionWise, a concussion education program that has trained over 2.5 million coaches, parents, and athletes in 53 countries. He served as executive producer for over a dozen first aid, CPR, and emergency preparedness training programs with the National Safety Council.

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