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Coaching Education Online Course Package With Print Books

Author: Coach Education


Online Course With Print Book
$129.00 USD

ISBN: 9781718232129

This course package includes the following:
  • Online Coaching Principles course
  • Online Sport First Aid course
  • Successful Coaching, Fifth Edition, book
  • Sport First Aid, Fifth Edition, book
  • Online worksheets
  • Online coaching forms
  • Online Coaching Principles certification test
  • Online Sport First Aid certification test
  • NOTE: Access to online components is immediate upon purchase, but the required books will be mailed. Please anticipate time for shipping before beginning the course.

Coaching Principles
For more than 30 years, Coaching Principles has provided coaches with foundational knowledge and sage advice for teaching and mentoring athletes to reach their full potential in sport and in life. The course is built upon five main concepts—the principles of coaching, behavior, teaching, physical training, and management—and features new and updated content addressing leadership and coaching, sportsmanship, coaching diverse athletes, behavior management, drugs in sport, the “games approach” to coaching, and much more. Coaching Principles is based on the fifth edition of Successful Coaching, of which you will receive a copy with your course registration.

Each unit begins with an animated overview of the key concepts to be covered and a reading assignment from the text. The course then presents several interactive coaching scenarios that depict real-life situations you’re likely to face. Choices and consequences are provided for each, compelling you to weigh potential responses and anticipate outcomes of your choices. A video with Brian Gearity summarizes key takeaways for each scenario. Rounding out the units are a quiz to check understanding and reiterate the main points as well as a coaching development activity, in which you’re encouraged to record your takeaways in a comprehensive portfolio for future reference and reflection.

The course concludes with a 50-question test. A minimum score of 80 percent is required for certification, at which point your name will be added to the National Coaches Registry, an online listing of coaches who have completed Human Kinetics Coach Education courses and used by athletic administrators to verify coaching credentials. To document your achievement, you can print or save a certificate of course completion from the website.

Sport First Aid
Unlike general first aid courses offered by local organizations, Sport First Aid specifically addresses conditions coaches encounter on the playing field. This fifth edition provides coaches with clear guidelines on what’s expected of them as first responders, as well as action steps for the care and prevention of more than 110 athletic injuries and illnesses.

The course is based on Sport First Aid, Fifth Edition, written by Melinda Flegel, and covers protocols for conducting emergency action steps and providing life support; conducting the physical assessment; administering first aid for bleeding, tissue damage, and unstable injuries; moving an injured athlete; and returning athletes to play.

The fifth edition also provides guidelines for using cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), the Heimlich maneuver, and automated external defibrillators (AED). It offers information on treating concussions and heat-related illnesses as well as preventing and recognizing methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus infections (MRSA). Strategies for greatly reducing athletes’ risk of injury or illness are also featured.

The course concludes with a 75-question test. A minimum score of 80 percent is required for certification.


Coaches of athletes primarily between 12 and 20 years old (middle and high school) in need of coaching certification.
Coaching Principles, Fifth Edition Online Course

Part I. Foundational Skills for Coaches
Unit 1. Developing Your Coaching Philosophy
Unit 2. Determining Your Coaching Objectives
Unit 3. Providing Effective Leadership
Unit 4. Coaching Diverse Athletes

Part II. Understanding and Managing Athletes’ Behavior
Unit 5. Communicating With Your Athletes
Unit 6. Motivating Your Athletes
Unit 7. Using Discipline and Rewards With Athletes
Unit 8. Coaching for Character

Part III. Being a Great Teacher
Unit 9. The Games Approach
Unit 10. Teaching Technical Skills
Unit 11. Teaching Tactical Skills
Unit 12. Planning for Teaching

Part IV. Physical Training and Nutrition
Unit 13. Training Basics
Unit 14. Energy Fitness Training
Unit 15. Muscular Fitness Training
Unit 16. Fueling Your Athletes
Unit 17. Drugs in Sport

Part V. Management Skills for Coaches
Unit 18. Managing Your Team
Unit 19. Managing Relationships
Unit 20. Managing Risk

Sport First Aid, Fifth Edition Online Course

Part I. Introduction to Sport First Aid
Unit 1. Your Role on the Athletic Health Care Team
Unit 2. Sport First Aid Game Plan

Part II. Basic Sport First Aid Skills
Unit 3. Anatomy and Sport Injury Terminology
Unit 4. Emergency Action Steps and Life Support
Unit 5. Physical Assessment and First Aid Techniques
Unit 6. Moving Injured or Sick Athletes

Part III. Sport First Aid for Specific Injuries
Unit 7. Respiratory Emergencies and Illnesses
Unit 8. Head, Spine, and Nerve Injuries
Unit 9. Internal Organ Injuries
Unit 10. Sudden Illnesses
Unit 11. Weather-Related Problems
Unit 12. Upper Body Musculoskeletal Injuries
Unit 13. Lower Body Musculoskeletal Injuries
Unit 14. Facial and Scalp Injuries
Unit 15. Skin Problems
Unit 16. Sport First Aid Field Clinic
Established in 1981 and rooted in an athlete-centered philosophy that places the developmental needs of athletes ahead of winning at all costs, Human Kinetics Coach Education courses and resources are widely used by youth sport organizations, state high school associations, school districts, state departments of education, colleges and universities, and national governing bodies of Olympic sports to teach, train, and certify coaches.